Jessica MacLellan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University
Introductory Classes
ANT 112 Introduction to Archaeology, Wake Forest University
ANTH 0582 Introduction to Archaeology, U. of Pittsburgh (Spring 2020)
ANT/ARC 101 Human Origins and Prehistory, Pima Community C. (Spring 2019)
Mesoamerican Archaeology
ANTH 0536 Mesoamerica Before Cortez, U. of Pittsburgh (Fall 2019)
ANTH/LAS/MAS 334A Mesoamerican Civilizations: Maya, U. of Arizona (Spring 2019)
ANTH/LAS/MAS 334A Mesoamerican Civilizations: Maya (Online), U. of Arizona (Summers 2014-2016)
ANT 308 Archaeological Theory and Practice, Wake Forest University (Spring 2024)
ANT 385 Special Problems Seminar: Olmec to Inca: Indigenous States of the Americas, Wake Forest University (Fall 2023)
ANT 385 Special Problems Seminar: Ritual and Religion in the Past and Present, Wake Forest University (Spring 2023)
ANTH 119 Public Spaces, Past and Present (undergrad seminar), UCLA (Spring 2021)
ANTH 1543/2533 Ancient States in the New World (undergrad/grad), U. of Pittsburgh (Spring 2020)
ANTH 1750 Undergraduate Seminar: Archaeology of Ritual and Religion (writing-intensive course), U. of Pittsburgh (Fall 2019)

Lam Museum of Anthropology, 2022